^ Art done by Tofuu ^
Current commission status: Open
I go by Deli. I'm a digital artist who draws just about anything. Thank you for considering my commissions.
Check the Terms of Service (ToS) to see the terms you are agreeing to when you make a commission. Fill out the order form to place a commission. If you have any questions, go to the contact tab.

Commission Information

$6 base price

-Free shading
-Free corrections

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$8 base price

-Free shading
-Free corrections

$9 base price

-Free shading
-Free corrections

$10 base price

-Free corrections
For extras:
-Shading +$2
Extra Detailing +$5

Click for More Examples

$11 base price

-Free corrections
For extras:
-Shading +$2
-More Visible Body (Halfbody) +$1
-Extra Detailing +$8

Click for More Examples

$14 base price

-Free corrections
For extras:
-Shading +$2
Extra Detailing +$12

Click for More Examples

$8 base price

-Free corrections
For extras:
-Shading +$2

Information on the Order Form

Fill out an order form and send the filled out form to me through one of my contacts. The order form provides necessary information for me to be able to fulfill your wants for the commission. You will be able to requests pictures of progress. Tell me any of your social medias if you are allowing me to post it.
Title commission emails as "(Your Name) Commission Request)".

The Order Form

Copy and Paste Order Form:
Paypal Email:
Commission Type:
Reference Image(s):
Details: [Pose, Expression, Etc.]
OPTIONAL Form Additions:
Progress Sketch Request:
Cavas Size Preference:
+Anything else you want to add

Terms of Service

When commissioning me, you agree to the following terms:
I maintain the rights to...
...post my work in any form.
...post commissions to my social media for advertising. I will not post pieces if you request I do not.
...turn down any commission.

...may not reprint your commission for personal profit.
...may print your commission for personal use.
...may edit, crop, and resize the art I give you as long as you still give credit to me.
...may post the work to your own website/social media, but if you do please credit or link me.
...may requests changes, but if I deem the edit a large scale change I have the right to charge you more.

Payment and Refund Information

Payment is done through PayPal. I will only begin a commission once I receive FULL payment. Refunds are available before I start or if I've made little progress. Refunds under other circumstances are negotiable. However, if I have finished your drawing you may not request a refund.


Contact me on any of my socials if you have questions: